Meet my Latest Mini Project, I built Weather App using JS, Tailwind, and RapidAPI, and I learned How RapidAPI Works.

Meet my Latest Mini Project, I built Weather App using JS, Tailwind, and RapidAPI, and I learned How RapidAPI Works.

Today, I learned the inner workings of RapidAPI by building a weather app with JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. I built this app without using a fancy framework; however, I did need a weather API, so I looked around RapidAPI Hub till I found API, which is straightforward.

Project Overview


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  • Structure

I built a straightforward and modern structure, which is made up of a Header, Hero, Profile Section, and Footer. Each section of the template was developed with Tailwind CSS, with the assistance of Tailwind Pre-Made Blocks.

CleanShot 2022-09-10 at 22.18.09@2x.png

I used the name of the project as the logo in the header, and a list of technologies served as the menu.

In Hero, I created two columns: the first one has the Title and Lorem Ipsum Descriptions, and the second one is for the Weather Card.

In the profile, I discussed some information about me and ended with a basic footer.

  • Styling

As you probably already know, online applications and webpages in general appear quite unprofessional when they lack styling, and just like with the other projects, I had to style this one as well.

Because of this, I have used the following CDN links in the head area of my HTML document. I have styled certain aspects of it with the assistance of Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap Icon.

<script src=""></script>
  • Script

Now I need to focus on the most crucial aspect of my project, which is the scripting, because without JavaScript, a web application can never reach its full potential in terms of functionality.

You are probably thinking that I had to deal with the most difficulties with the API while I was making this, but the truth is that this is not a particularly huge problem, and you will become familiar with it very quickly.

In order to create this Project, I have selected a Weather API Provider from the RapidAPI Hub.

CleanShot 2022-09-10 at 22.48.37@2x.png

The API provider is

I was able to obtain the API syntax of Javascript from the above link; as it is fully built, all that remains for me to do is include it into my code. As well as how to put it into practice, I have described the code that may be found below.

async function getdata() {
  var inputVal = document.getElementById("searchTxt").value;

  const res = await fetch(
    "" + inputVal,
      method: "GET",
      headers: {
        "X-RapidAPI-Key": "Your Key",
        "X-RapidAPI-Host": "",

  function getWeekDay() {
    const weekday = [
    const d = new Date();
    let day = weekday[d.getDay()];
    document.getElementById("weekDay").innerText = day;


  const data = await res.json();
  document.getElementById("location").innerText =;
  document.getElementById("locationParts").innerHTML =
    "<i class='bi bi-geo-alt'></i> " +
    data.location.region +
    " , " +;
  document.getElementById("dateTime").innerHTML =
    "<i class='bi bi-calendar'></i> " + data.location.localtime.substr(0, 10);
  document.getElementById("txtWord").innerText = data.current.condition.text;
  document.getElementById("temperatureF").innerText =
    " " + data.current.humidity + "°F";
  document.getElementById("humidity").innerText =
    " " + data.current.humidity + "%";
  document.getElementById("wind").innerText =
    " " + data.current.wind_kph + "km/h";
  document.getElementById("temperatureC").innerText =
    data.current.temp_c + " °C";

GitHub Link | Live Demo

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